Youth Recreational Soccer
This is a recreational Volleyball League for youth between the ages of 6 and 11. Tryouts will be held on the first day of the program by PAL Staff. A draft will then be conducted where parent coaches will draft 8-10 athletes depending on the number of enrolments. A match schedule will then be made and distributed. PAL Staff will be at practices to assist the parent coaches with skills and drills. If we do not receive enough registrations to support 5 teams then PAL will continue with skills and drills. Program times will depend on the number of registrations and parents who volunteer to coach. This program will be held on the fields outside the George Washington Carver Center.
Adult Recreational Soccer
The Adult Soccer League is for those over the age of 18. The league will play every Sunday with the exception of holidays until the season is complete. Each team will play a minimum of 8 games plus finals should your team make it that far. International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) will govern play for this league.